Berk - a package for producing and managing MeerKAT continuum survey data

Berk is a package for fetching and processing MeerKAT data on a compute cluster using Oxkat for calibration and imaging, and PyBDSF for generating object catalogs.

Berk should run on any compute cluster that runs either Slurm or PBS as a workload manager. It is is being developed and deployed on Hippo, the High Performance Computing facility at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and at the Centre for High Performance Computing, with the aim of using it to perform a serendipitous survey with MeerKAT, and in turn to generate useful high-level processed MeerKAT data (initially, continuum images and catalogs) for use by the community.

Berk is under active development, and not all documentation may be up to date. Not all needed features are implemented yet. However, at the moment, data can be fetched from the archive, processed to images and catalogs, and collected from multiple compute clusters using only a few shell commands.

Berk is named after the faithful servant of The Thing Upstairs.

Indices and tables